Best Portable Jump Starters
Best Portable Jump Starters I magine this: You’re out on a job and about to fill up your rollers’ tanks when you realize that your water truck won’t start. You can’t sit around waiting for someone else on the job to come over and jump the truck. With a portable jump starter, this situation can be remedied in seconds. New lithium-ion jump starter options provide an attractive alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. They’re usually lighter and more compact, they’ll typically keep a charge for up to a year, they can be used multiple times before recharging, and they have long life spans. Some of them even come with USB ports to charge other devices, emergency lights and 12V power ports. Essentially, a portable lithium-ion jump starter is a larger version of the portable batteries you might be using to charge your phone on the go. The difference is instead of 1000 to 3000 milliampere hours, or mAh, we’re talking 15,000 or even 3...